Saturday 3 August 2013

Psychedelia 1960- 1975

The Psychedelic movement started in the mid 1960's, a time in which many controversial issues were raised, from civil rights issues to spiritual experiences. Such a movement effected a number of aspects of popular culture including music, language, art, philosophy, fashion and also literature. 

The word "psychedelic" comes from the popular drug amongst the youth culture of that time which made individuals distorted of awareness and unconscious. Furthermore, when it comes to the posters of the rock genre, they tried to communicate this psychedelic experience. 

Psychedlic art included a combination of Op Art, illegible and hand-written types, shapes inspired from Art Nouveau and vibrant colours used which were mainly inspired from the Pop Art movement. 

Most of well known designers of such a movement were many times self taught. These included Victor Moscoso, Peter Max and Wes Wilson.

Victor Moscoso's work:

Peter Max's work:

Wes Wilson's work:


Livingston, A. I., 2003. Graphic Design and Designers. London: The Thames & Hudson.

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